A developmental approach to energize your people and evolve your organization





We blend proven strategies for effective leadership and governance with transformational tools such as embodiment, awareness, and energy work.


expertise and knowledge proved invaluable

Daniel’s suggestions helped me to gain a deeper understanding of the motivations and concerns that drive decision-making in the world of education. His expertise and knowledge proved invaluable in my outreach efforts! Daniel is a resource I would happily recommend to those in need.

Museum Community Access Specialist DV

Seattle, WA

listening with his full attention

I am grateful to Daniel for listening with his full attention. His advice and response to my questions concerning board governance and conflict resolution were thoughtful and clear. Advice that applies to a very a specific situation also applies to other areas of work and life in a deep and meaningful way.

Nonprofit Board of Directors Leader LM

British Columbia

master of organizational management

Daniel Kirkpatrick is a master of organizational management. His comprehensive overview of our organization’s current position helped to prioritize our strategic goals, and to delegate personnel to assist in achieving those goals. Exercising his educational background and expertise, Daniel led us to functioning in a more focused and systematic way that enables our all-volunteer organization to use our limited time and energies to the best advantage.

Youth Health Advocacy Organization Director JC

Blaine, WA

passionate about empowering others

Daniel provided guidance and professional consultation to the school, emphasizing  development and fundraising. He delivered a thorough Advancement Coordinator job description, specific to the needs of the school, as well as a detailed Fund Development Plan for the upcoming academic year. He has also guided the administration and key individuals to build relations and cultivate appreciation and gratitude.  I found him to be present, focused, well-mannered, respectful, light-hearted, enthusiastic, wise, generous, collaborative, an excellent listener, and genuine. He clearly knows his work well and he is passionate about empowering others to flourish.

Independent School Trustee MR


I found his expertise to be priceless

Daniel helped me plan the workshop from the ground up, brainstorming the content and sequence of learning activities for the participants. Talking with him helped me pinpoint the planned curriculum of the class to make it as useful as possible for my students given their varied level of painting experience. From initial planning of the workshop, through the execution of the event, to the conversation and feedback following. I look forward to working with him again!

Workshop Facilitator LB


helping us advance our mission

We are very grateful for your support of our organization and all the ways you have helped us advance our mission to increase community capacity for long term ecological research. Thank you so much for all that you have put into helping us grow this vision.

Interdisciplinary Research Institute Board Leader HC

British Columbia

troubleshooting key issues

Our family relies on Daniel Kirkpatrick’s judgement, character, deep expertise, and pure sense of fun in helping us troubleshoot key issues for our son. Soon after meeting Daniel, our son – who endured the traumatic loss of his father shortly before – dreamed of being caught in a violent tornado. We’ve observed Daniel to be a kind, generous exemplar of how to live strong values, including, but not limited to, strength, self reliance, community, and stewardship. We recommend him with absolutely no reservations.

Parent Coaching Client BM


helping our organization thrive

You know, probably better than most, what goes into a thoughtful curriculum, mentor training, and behavior management before the magic of learning can happen. Thank you for all the support you have provided over the years through your wise counsel that helped our organization thrive!

Environmental Education Program Manager RB


superb workshop presentation on communication tools

On behalf of our organization, thank you for your superb workshop presentation on Communication Tools for our member development institute. Your engaging and thoughtful activities were an excellent part of the training for our members.

Youth Action Agency Education Coordinator EW

Olympia, WA

keeping us on track and relating everything to our goals

Your participation certainly contributed to the success of the conference. You did an excellent job, and I especially appreciated your ability to continually keep us on track and to relate everything back to the goals of the conference. I recognize that ability as an exceptional talent, and appreciate your willingness to assist in planning and facilitating with such a short timeline. It was a delight working with you!

State agency Program Coordinator CC

Ellensburg, WA

attitude and efficiency of our team increasing exponentially

Your expertise and enthusiasm were of great benefit to the team members and their supervisor. The positive steps you initiated during your intervention are proving fruitful and the attitude and efficiency of the team is increasing exponentially on a daily basis. The participants expressed sincere appreciation for the light you shed on a very sensitive situation. I would not hesitate to recommend your knowledge and expertise to any other company.

Community Action Program Manager RD

Kitsap County, WA

energetic, and very organized

Mr. Kirkpatrick’s presentation was excellent. He was fun to listen to, energetic, and very organized. I really appreciated the fact that he was adaptable to our time frame and adjusted well to our agenda. I would highly recommend him to work with your staff or students.

Substance Abuse Prevention Volunteer Coordinator LS

Mt. Vernon, WA

already seen a dramatic change

I want to thank you for all your expert help in teaching my staff of seventeen people how to work better as a team. Having them define the action of what qualities a team member must show gave them a goal to reach. I have already seen a dramatic change in the attitudes of my staff around the workplace. After talking with you I too have learned a lot about communicating.

County Public Awareness Staff Supervisor DB

Bremerton, WA

sharp eye and expert business strategy guidance

I have enjoyed Daniel’s sharp eye and expert business strategy guidance over many years. In addition, I recently involved him as a player in the development of a new and exciting project. This resulted in a co-creative process in which no one else could have brought as much depth, experience and levity as he did. Thank you!

Entrepreneur VL
Seattle, WA

I feel reconnected with the vision and intention I am holding for myself

Your mentorship and care means a lot to me.  I really value your perspective and your experience in the world.  I feel reconnected with the vision and intention I am holding for myself.  And I feel clearer about a path forward.  Your questions and reflections were really insightful and valuable.

Executive Coaching Client SM

Victoria, BC.

What makes Educational Design Associates work for you



Approach to Change


Applying design tools to foster effective engagement and organizational growth


Healthy Relationships


Building stronger relationships that are mutual and growing


Problems: opportunities!


Transforming conflict and stuck spots into evolutionary change


Business Growth


Providing entrepreneurs with strategies that ensure growth and stability


Approach to Change


Applying design tools to foster effective engagement and organizational growth


Healthy Relationships


Building stronger relationships that are mutual and growing


Problems: Opportunities!


Transforming conflict and stuck spots into evolutionary change


Business Growth


Providing entrepreneurs with strategies that ensure growth and stability

Our Services

Rather than deliver “stock” services, EDA customizes every contract to serve the individual client.

Organizational Development

Leadership, governance, planning and fundraising

Effective Teams

Training, coaching, and intervention in community and conflict management to catalyze change

Executive & Parent Coaching

Coaching to demystify difficult situations and reorient toward growth

How to get started




Education Design Associates meets with you to explore your needs, history, and core values.

Site Visit


A site visit and in-person observations inform the design of a strategy for change.



We will deliver the services you need to precipitate meaningful change.

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Please contact us to discuss the needs of your organization, school, or group. We look forward to working with you!

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